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New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New everyone. We pray your year has started well. We at Creative Hands started work on the 2nd of December and it has been slow but good. As we started the year there was a verse which is found in the Bible that kept ringing in my ears and as I thought of it and our work, I knew that God was speaking to us and here is what it says, “Listen carefully, I am about to do something new. Now it will spring forth. Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness. Rivers in the desert” In another translation it says, “Behold, I am doing something new, now it shall spring forth, shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”


As I have pondered those words I have come to the conclusion that not only is God calling our attention to behold, look, see the new thing He is doing, but He wants us to be involved in bringing about that new thing. Whatever the new translates to, we have to search for it diligently and find it and partner with Him. I love change and I know that not everyone likes change, I thrive on doing something new, engaging in teaching a new skill to someone or helping them do the same thing but in a new and different way which might be faster or more productive. With that theme in our minds here are a few new things we believe we are being drawn into.


At Creative Hands we have spent the last two years focusing mostly on teaching our women weaving and have been very intentional and careful that we do not introduce them to a lot of changes or new things all at the same time. So we have not pushed them a lot into sewing, BUT this year we feel is the time to get them a second skill set. One of the main reasons we want them to learn sewing is because buying a sewing machine is much cheaper than buying even a small loom. For example with 100 Euros a woman who knows how to sew with a simple domestic machine can start sewing at home and sell the items she makes. Whereas a loom, basic and simple one would cost about 500 Euros including a stand etc.

Last week I started and the resistance I faced from the women was amazing. They had all sorts of excuses why they did not want to learn sewing, one for example told me she has problems with her eyes and a sewing machine would not be a good idea and all sorts of reasons. That was not true, she then said she actually does not like sewing, weaving is better. I have had to put my foot down and explain to them why this is important for them and for us as an organization. So it has been very challenging sometimes, interesting and frustrating but we are making progress. Your prayers for this season of change for all our women are greatly appreciated.


Another new thing we are preparing ourselves for is welcoming a new woman into our program. Her name is Joy from Nigeria and she is a single mother of a 3 three year old son, Destiny. I met Joy at a round table discussion in October and we have been in touch and she has come out to visit and spend the night a few times. She needs to start afresh with her son and leave the past behind and relocating is one way she is going to do that. We have already talked through everything with her and she will start training with us in February. Please pray for us as we welcome this mother and son that she will find rest for her and her son through the work we do and our fellowship with others. Pray also for finances to help us for the 3 months as she will be undergoing training before she can be paid. We have accommodation for her but we will need food etc.

Thank you,

Cecilia Sakatira

Co-Owner and Founder, Creative Hands

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