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Cecilia Sakatira

Heartfelt Reflections

Cecilia Sakatira in the U.S.

My time in the USA is coming to a close, actually I am my way home to Greece. I have been reflecting on what this trip has taught me about myself, people around me back in Greece and those I have met on this trip. This post is dedicated to the many people that I met on this trip and those who stayed at home making sure that things are running smoothly at Creative Hands or stepping in to cover for me at my home church to make sure that we are still serving our King and Savior.


When I think of my home church, the Glyfada Christian Center in Greece, I am grateful for friends who were able to take care of some of my responsibilities which helped me serve in the way that God has allowed me to during this month. It made me realize the importance of friendships that God has gifted me with and how each of them is valuable and how together we strengthen the body and add value to each other.


At Creative Hands many have been helping in different ways. I think of those going to the workshop every day, doing their best to make sure that we keep making the best textiles and products. Many times in the middle of the night I have had to check my phone for messages because the women were at work and have been encouraged and blessed to get notes checking on me, or notes on, “what should we do here, or is this how the textile should look?” Then there are friends who have been taking care of the garden where we are currently growing plants which we will use in our natural dying efforts to spice up our work a bit. Also, everyone needs a good website manager and Social Media friend who keeps our friends posted on all that’s going on and bringing to their attention the products we have at Creative Hands. When I reflect on these women and women who stand in while I am away, I see how each of them is a part of my family and how valuable each is and for that I am grateful.


I think of EME Ministries, especially my leaders and I find myself thinking of the journey we have been on together from our first contact online in 2003 to present and the support they have been. I am grateful to God that they stand with me as an individual and also with us at Creative Hands. They help to make sure that all the donations and gifts that come from the USA are taken care of, channeled well without taking a dime from it and I know that they pray for me while I am traveling and for us as a ministry. As I have been thinking about pastor Gail Stathis and Brian van Deventer, I have just been awed by the goodness of God shown through their unceasing support.


My friends, partners who give sacrificially and pray unceasingly, what a blessing it is to know that they cover me and stand with me. I have thought and have been reminded of those who have been on this journey with me, some as far back as 2003 to present and have seen me on the mountain top and in the valleys, they have experienced some painful times with me and times of failure but have supported me because together we have learned that this is not about Cecilia but about what God is doing in and through my life. There are some who joined my circle of friends this year and on this trip and each of them is a gem to me and I am forever grateful. I have thought of these precious friends who opened their homes to me during this trip and those who have done it in the past and through each of them I have marveled at the greatness of God’s heart towards me and the women I have served all these years. I have thought of how every time someone prays and gives financially they invite me to be an extension of their lives on the field. Safe to say that each person who has prayed for me and given has been with me in every country I have been, has ministered with me to every person I have witnessed to and it is neat that each person who has been involved had also shared in the joy of seeing some of the women and families come to faith. The family of God working together in unity is just beautiful. I am also thankful for the many pastors of the many churches I have been to in the past and on this trip who have allowed me to share from the pulpit and have encouraged their people to get involved.


As I head home to Greece, my heart is full and I know we are in for an adventure as the year unfolds and we will see fruit coming out of these relationships and many more people will join and more women will be reached as we continue walking hand in hand.


So thank you everyone for your generosity of heart. This journey is more fun because of the place you hold in my life and heart. Thank you.


Cecilia Sakatira

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