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Giving Tuesday!

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

When I was a child growing up in the village with my aunt, my dad’s sister, all I knew about life was that at some point in the not so far future I would be given to marriage. I knew that living with my aunt who was already married in a polygamy meant she was raising me up to step into her shoes once she became too old, so was the culture where I was. BUT, thank God who in His divine providence, mercy and grace rescued me using my grandmother working with my mother because my mother and her family had different values and beliefs when it came to the girl child. My grandmother traveled miles during the Zimbabwe Independence war through villages to come and rescue me so that I could be enrolled in school and start a life with education and not marriage as my foundation. My mother, her mother and her sisters and so many other women and men have since been involved through their generosity of heart and spirit to help me be who I am today.

This story of my life and the passion that drives me to help as many young women as possible came to mind as I thought and reflected on today, a day that has been celebrated since 2012 as Giving Tuesday. When we think of this day, for many their minds run to money and yes we do need financial support, but for us here at Creative Hands what you are giving us today and give every month, is more than money, you are giving both local and displaced women an opportunity to escape a life of poverty which has come about because these displaced women never had a grandmother like mine who would risk her life to come and get me so I can earn an education which has in turn helped me learn many skills, many of which are being used today in my helping other women.

You giving both financial and emotional support helps us provide a pathway for women like Joy. I met Joy about 2 months ago at a Roundtable discussion which was hosted by Action Aid International, a secular organization in Athens. She was graduating from a program that was run by Action Aid and I got to share about our work and connected with Joy, a single mother to a 3 -year- old boy, Destiny. Joy has since visited Creative Hands twice now and she desires to enroll with us, learn weaving and sewing and then become part of our community. BUT, right now we are not in a position to take her because she will need financial support until she starts working. This is where we need your help. Would you consider giving towards Joy’s enrollment with us. We need one year’s salary for her and we can enroll her as early as January. It will cost us 6,000 Euros in order for Joy and her son to start a new chapter with us in their lives. Thank you for taking time to pray and for giving today.




How You Can Support Us

​Make a donation and support us. This will help us train and financially support more women like Joy, as well as purchase the supplies we need to create our lovely products.


​Another great way to support us is by purchasing one of our lovely handmade products on the loom. All procedes go towards supporting our initiatives at Creative Hands.


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